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Piano / Keyboard / Piano / Piano Single Editions


  • Piano single issue
    from V
    ittorio Monti

    This is probably the best-known composition by the Italian composer Vittorio Monti (1868-1922).
    It was composed in 1904 as a rhapsody for violin, mandolin and/or piano. The musical basis of the piece is the Hungarian dance figure Csárdás.

    Vittorio Monti studied violin and composition at the "Conservatorio di San Pietro a Majella" in Naples.
    Around 1900 he was appointed conductor of the "Lamoureux Orchestra" in Paris. His most famous piece of music is the Csárdás, a popular virtuoso piece that is in the repertoire of many ambitious orchestras and musicians.

    Size DIN A4


    These items are only available in printed paper.

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